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Error Codes: Alpha | Alpha S (2021-2023)Updated 5 months ago

If your First Generation hub-motor Vvolt ebike displays any of the following codes on the Xplova EH-02 display, please consult the following chart. Should you not be able to resolve the issue on your own, please email us at [email protected] for guidance! 

Here is a rundown of the most common error codes we've seen:


The most common error code we've seen is E001 -- the HMI communication fault -- it looks like this on your display: 

This is most often the result of a communication fault between the handlebar display and in-bike controller, although it can be the result of pinched wires, broken pins, or a faulty battery. Fear not -- we're here to help. Reach out to [email protected] and we'll work through solutions with you! 

Here is the full list of error codes: 

Code Explained
E001HMI Communication Error Signal Interference caused by HMI receiving duplicate data packets from battery and controllerContact Vvolt 
11Battery - Cell Over Voltage 
Reboot battery
12Battery- Cell Under Voltage 
Reboot battery
13Battery - System Under VoltageMotor has detected too low voltage. Potentially occurs when battery is low and assist level is high and working hard. Ensure battery is charged then try steps to the right1. Check the battery voltage and fully charge the battery.
2. Check whether the wire between HMI and motor is damaged
4. Update motor firmware
5. Replace motor
14Battery - Short Circuit 
Contact Vvolt
15Battery - Over Discharging Current 
Contact Vvolt
16Battery - Over Charging Current 
Contact Vvolt
17Battery - Cell Over Temperature (charge)
Unplug battery and charger and move to a cooler area. Wait 30 min before attempting to charge again
18Battery - Cell Over Temperature (discharge)
Reboot the battery, wait 10 minutes before rebooting HMI
19Battery - FET Over Temperature (charge)
Unplug battery and charger and move to a cooler area. Wait 30 min before attempting to charge again
20Battery - FET Over Temperature (discharge)
Reboot the battery, wait 10 minutes before rebooting HMI
21Battery - Cell Under Temperature (charge)
Unplug battery and charger and move to a warmer area. Wait 30 min before attempting to charge again
22Battery - Cell Under Temperature (discharge)
Reboot the battery. 
23Battery - Low Capacity
Charge the battery
24Battery - Fault
Contact Vvolt
25Battery - Cell NOT Balanced
Plug into charger 
26Battery - Charge FET Damaged
Contact Vvolt 
27Battery - Discharge FET damaged
Contact Vvolt 
28Battery - Fuse Blown
Contact Vvolt 
29Battery - Other 
Contact Vvolt 
49Control - Speed Sensor AbnormalInternal speed sensor in hub motor is not working properlyContact Vvolt for motor repair/replacement 
47Control - Voltage Abnormal
Contact Vvolt 
40Control - Current Abnormal
Contact Vvolt 
41Control - PAS/Throttle Abnormal
Contact Vvolt 
42Control - Motor Phase Lose 
Contact Vvolt 
43Control - Motor Hall Sensor AbnormalThere is a faulty hall sensor in the motor or a damaged pin in the motor cableReplace Motor
44Control - Brake AbnormalThere is no brake switch in Vvolt motor systemsN/A
45Control - Over Temperature
Turn off HMI, wait 10 minutes to reboot and lower PAS level
46Control - Motor Blocked Rotor
Contact Vvolt 
48Control - Other 
Contact Vvolt 
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