Low Maintenance is not NO Maintenance: A Guide to Keeping Your Ride DialedUpdated 3 months ago
You've embraced the joy of low-maintenance Vvolt ebikes, equipped with all the fancy features that make your ride smooth and hassle-free -- excellent! But here's the inside scoop: low maintenance doesn't mean NO maintenance. Bikes vibrate. Components may loosen up over time. Things happen! You're rolling over the earth, after all. Let's dive into the geeky details of keeping your ebike in top-notch condition because, let's face it, every bike deserves a little TLC.
1. Keep it clean!
That's right -- one of the most critical maintenance tasks is also the most boring -- cleaning your bike! Grit and grime from the road will expedite consumable parts like brake pads and belts. Give your bike a rinse occasionally; just be sure to power down and remove your battery first! Focus on the drivetrain, and don't power wash, as there's no need. A clean bike is a happy bike. We firmly believe in leaving some dirt from your last ride for good luck.
2. Brakes
The hydraulic disc brakes on your ebike should be strong, quiet, and dependable. However, even the best brakes need a little attention every once in a while!
Brake Pads and Rotors
If your pad material measures less than 1.5mm thick, it's time to swap them out for fresh ones. Please don't fret; it's a small effort for a big payoff in braking performance. Worn-out pads won't perform as well and can be noisy! All Vvolt ebikes use the same widely available brake pad shape, available for purchase here or at your local bike shop.
Were you looking for an excellent resource for checking and replacing your brake pads? Our friends at Park Tools created a wonderful article for you to absorb -- check it out!
Your brake rotors should be wobble-free and quiet. Hearing any excessive noise (excessive being like a howl or big scrape) is a sign of contamination somewhere between the pads and rotor. Brake pad surfaces, and rotors are susceptible to contamination -- think oil from your fingers! Always glove up and keep some isopropyl alcohol and clean, lint-free rags handy if you're attempting any work on your brake system.
Park Tools offers a great resource page on brake rotors. Vvolt uses the ISO 6-bolt brake rotor standard with rotors sized between 160-180mm in diameter.
Brake Bleeding
All Vvolt ebikes use a mineral oil-based system and should work dependably for a long time. If your brake lever begins to feel a bit spongy and you know your pads are in good shape, air may be in your system. If your Vvolt ebike levers say "Radius" or "Rush," the bleed procedure is similar to Tektro-style brakes. For other Vvolt ebikes with Tektro or Shimano brakes, follow the procedure outlined by the brake manufacturer to bleed the brake.
If your RADIUS or RUSH branded brakes feel spongy, are leaking fluid, or require "pumping up" before the pads engage, reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll work with you on a solution
3. Gates Carbon Drive Drivetrain
Ah, the Gates carbon drive belt – the stealthy means behind converting your pedal strokes to forward motion. While it's designed for durability, it's not invincible. Every couple of thousand miles, give it a thorough inspection. Look for any signs of wear, cracks, or misalignment. If it's dirty, rinse it with some water and a soft-bristled brush. You can also inspect the teeth, belt ring, and cog for excessive wear. A little preventative care will keep you cruising smoothly and maintain that oh-so-satisfying silence. We've seen belts lasting for 7000 miles look great when taken care of. Do you want to know more? Head to Gates and see what they have to say (pg. 10) themselves!
Proper belt alignment and tension are imperative for a quiet, long life for your Vvolt drive train. If you hear any popping or clicking noises out of the blue, reach out to us at [email protected]
4. Wheels: Intermittent checks of roundness, true and even tension
A well-built wheel is a super important component on any bicycle. While we check our wheels for even spoke tension and acceptable lateral/vertical true, big bumps or heavy riding can send the wheel out of balance. Occasionally, spin your wheels and check for any wobbling side to side or up to down. Tires aren't always perfectly situated upon a rim and can make a true wheel look wobbly. Try holding something like a tire lever in a fixed position right beside the rim surface when spinning the wheel for a better view! If things seem off, a quick visit to your local bike shop can get them back in line, ensuring a trouble-free ride experience. If you begin to adjust the spokes without the correct tools, things can turn south quickly!
5. Tires: Tread Wear Matters
Your tires are the only thing between you and the road, so it's crucial to keep an eye on their condition. If the tread wears down, it's time for a change. Don't wait until you're slipping and sliding—new tires mean better grip, safer rides, and a happier cycling experience overall.
6. Safety Inspections: Mileage-based check-ups
Your Vvolt ebike should be mostly silent while rolling down the road. Besides the wind, you should only hear your tires rollin' along the road, path, or trail. If something feels loose, you hear a clicking, ticking, knocking, or rattling, or the bike is simply not performing as you'd expect, it's time to roll down to your (hopefully) friendly local bike shop and request a safety inspection, not a "tune-up." We recommend a biannual checkup if you're a high mileage ride (over 5000 miles/yr). A yearly inspection should suffice if you're not putting in that mileage. That being said, if you experience a crash or the bike takes a big tumble, it's best practice to have it professionally inspected before you begin riding again.
Remember, maintaining your low-maintenance ebike is about riding smart and avoiding potential issues. A little love and attention go a long way, ensuring your ebike continues to be the envy of the road. Happy riding, fellow bike nerds! 🚴♂️✨